What is an industrial tablet computer?

Embedded industrial tablet computer refers to the computer used in industrial production. Generally speaking, industrial tablet computer is an all-in-one computer specially designed for industrial production site. It is used for monitoring and controlling industrial sites. It is an indispensable control equipment in industry and various industrial occasions. It provides safe, reliable, efficient and intelligent technical support for the application industry. It has a high market application rate in the field of industrial automation.


In addition to mechanical parts, from the input of data and signals to the action of the whole machine, the controller is the key component of a machine that can generate “automation” capability. In fact, automation is the process of automatic execution of “program” by machine parts. Each instruction in the program is analyzed and issued by the controller, so as to achieve the goal of automatic operation of all parts of the whole equipment.

At first, the industrial tablet computer was only used for the measurement, control, management and other links in the industrial production process. Today, the application of industrial tablets has undergone earth shaking changes, and the application scope is no longer limited to industry, but has become the core of automation equipment and information industry infrastructure. At present, industrial personal computers are widely used in rail transit, medical instruments and other fields, and continue to expand to financial services, network security and other fields.

With the continuous deepening of social informatization, the market demand for industrial tablets will be further released. The industrial tablet computer will provide important technical support for the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and play an important role in many fields, with broad prospects. With the increasing demand for automation in various industries, more and more places need to use industrial personal computers to help form an integrated control system. In addition to the automatic production lines of industrial processes, industrial tablets are widely used in self-service terminals, medical treatment, transportation and other industries closely related to daily life. Basically, as long as automation equipment is used, there will be control of industrial tablets. Users have more diverse requirements for industrial tablets. Personalization and customization will be the main form of the market. In addition, the industrial tablet computer also presents a service-oriented feature, that is, it provides users with a full life cycle management solution. From systems to products and then to hardware, industrial tablet computer enterprises will integrate upstream and downstream industrial chain resources to better meet user needs.


Post time: Dec-23-2022