What to do if the industrial touch screen fails?

1、 When the touch function of the touch screen of the industrial tablet computer fails, you can first try to enter the offline mode to verify whether the backlight of the touch screen is burnt out. If it is verified that the backlight is burnt out, we can temporarily restore the touch function of the touch screen according to the following steps.

1) Click the three corners of the touch screen to enter offline mode (note: different touch screens enter offline mode in different ways).

2) After entering the offline mode, click “Initialization”, and then click “Settings – Input/Output”.

3) Then click “Settings – Touch – Panel”. When the “Use – Touch – Backlight Rear Panel – Burn Screen” option is found, click “Yes” to indicate that the touch function will continue to be used when the backlight of the touch screen fails.

2、 If you click the touch screen and the offset jump point occurs, you can leave the site environment, connect the power supply only, and then verify whether it is caused by external electromagnetic interference. For the resistance screen, you can recalibrate it. If it is recalibrated or relocated, or some areas cannot be clicked or responded, it may be that there is a problem with the touch screen, and the capacitance screen is not calibrated, Such problems are usually caused by premature failure of the product itself.

3、 Industrial touch screen usually has the function of adding backlight detection. Therefore, once the backlight is off, the touch function may fail automatically. However, at this time, the function of the touch screen is actually normal, so through the above operation, the touch function can be temporarily enabled, and the device can continue to use. However, Xiaobian still recommends that the backlight of the touch screen be replaced as soon as possible to prevent the touch screen from triggering by mistake, which may lead to equipment failure or even safety accidents.

To sum up, it is the main reason for the failure of industrial touch screen. Secondly, there are only two possible damages caused by normal use of industrial touch screen; One is the premature damage caused by the design problem of the product itself, and the other is the internal damage caused by the long time. If none of the above is true, it is generally the protection mechanism set by the factory. Just like the backlight detection above, you need to contact the product manufacturer in time for solution. Of course, we still need to do a good job in the maintenance of the machine during normal use. This can not only reduce the frequency of machine problems, but also greatly extend the life of the machine and improve production efficiency.

Post time: Feb-10-2023